Latest Update - We are ready to go!

Cost: $25 per person
 ⁃ Catered meal from Queen Bee’s in Paynesville (hot roast beef sandwiches, chips, pasta salad, and fruit)
 ⁃ Desserts homemade by Mrs. Donna Bauer of Paynesville
 ⁃ A start on the tip jar for our bartender Mark Mackedanz (PHS Class of ‘78)
Date & Time: Saturday, September 14
Starts at 3:00pm, Dinner at 6:00pm
Location: Koronis Hills Golf Course
Please mail checks to:
        Cary Thelen
        605 Bean Street
        Anoka, MN 55303

We look forward to seeing you there!


How to update your profile, but forgot your email address:

We would love to have an update on you and your family.  However, if you have forgotten your email address used to set up your profile, and need to reset your password, please send your new email address to greg@cruzefamily.com and we will update your profile with your new email address.  You will be notified as soon as your new email address has been updated.  Please be patient as it could take a day or two to update.


Once your new email address has been updated, click on this link to reset your password: https://classof79.myevent.com/registration  , click on "Forgot Password" (it should appear below "Login") and supply your newly updated email address.  You should receive a new password sent to your new email address within seconds.  You can then log into your profile with your new email & password (https://classof79.myevent.com/registration) and update your profile.  It's that easy!


If you have not created a profile, and this is your first time:

If you have not created a profile, and this is your first time, you can go through the registration process by clicking on the same link: https://classof79.myevent.com/registration  then click on "Register".


We are looking forward to seeing your updates soon!


Attention Facebook Users:
There is a companion site maintained by Debbie Fink (Block) on Facebook if you would like to check it out.  I don't have the link to share with you, but I'm told you can search via Facebook for 'Paynesville Class of 1979'.  Thank you Debbie!


45th Reunion Committee Members are:
Cary Thelen
Debbie Fink (Block)
Ed Ampe
Mark Lindeman

Visitors: 18320